The HDO9000 with HD1024 Technology provides exceptional signal fidelity with 10-bit resolution, 4 GHz bandwidth and a superior oscilloscope experience to deliver faster time to insight.
Key Features
- 10 bit resolution; up to 13.8 bits with Optimized Filtering
- 1 GHz- 4 GHz bandwidths
- Up to 40 GS/s sample rate
- 15.4" capacitive touch screen
- MAUI with OneTouch
- Designed for touch
- Built for simplicity
- Made to solve
- Advanced Tools
- Jitter and Timing Analysis Capabilities
- WaveScan – Search and Find
- LabNotebook Documentation and Report Generation
- History Mode – Waveform Playback
- Optional Software Packages
- Advanced Customization
- Digital Filtering
- Spectrum Analysis
- Device and Switching Power Supply Analysis
- Comprehensive set of serial data analysis, debug, validation and compliance tools
- 16 digital channels with 1.25 GS/s
- Analog and Digital Cross-Pattern Triggering
- Digital Pattern Search and Find
- Analog and Digital Timing Measurements
- Logic Gate Emulation
- Activity Indicators
HD1024 High Definition Technology

HD1024 high definition technology enables 10 bits of vertical resolution with 4 GHz bandwidth. The HDO9000 automatically and dynamically determines the best ADC configuration under each specific measurement condition to always provide the optimal resolution.
Dynamic ADC Reconfiguration

HD1024 technology enables dynamic reconfiguration of the ADC to achieve 10 bits of vertical resolution. By automatically determining the best ADC configuration under each specific measurement condition, the HDO9000 always provides the optimal resolution.
Optimized Filtering

HD1024 high definition technology makes use of optimized filtering to provide additional resolution beyond 10-bits; extending up to 13.8 bits. When operating in low sample rate conditions, an anti-aliasing filter is automatically applied to reduce excess out-of-band noise. Additionally, resolution can be improved by applying a manual bandwidth limit on an individual channel.
Superior User Experience

The HDO9000 and MAUI with OneTouch allows users to perform all common operations with a single touch of the display, optimizing for convenience and efficiency. Meanwhile, the 15.4” high resolution capacitive touch screen’s bright display and quick responsiveness further enhances the inherent efficiency and intuitiveness of MAUI with OneTouch.
MAUI with OneTouch

The HDO9000 and MAUI with OneTouch sets the standard for oscilloscope user experience by providing the most unique touch features on any oscilloscope. Common gestures are used to instinctively interact with the oscilloscope and dramatically reduce setup time. Convenience and efficiency are optimized - all common operations can be performed with one touch and do not require opening and closing of pop-up dialogs or menus.
Powerful, Deep Toolbox

The standard collection of math, measurement, debug, and documentation tools provides unsurpassed analysis capabilities. Application-specific packages enable streamlined debugging for common design/validation scenarios. The advanced customization option (XDEV) enables user-defined parameters and math functions providing unique and limitless analysis capability.
Exceptional Serial Data Tools

A wide a variety of application packages are available to meet all serial data test challenges, ranging from automated compliance packages to flexible debug toolkits. A suite of protocol specific measurement and eye diagram packages are available to complement the industry’s most intuitive trigger and decode packages.
Integrated Mixed Signal Capabilities

The HDO9000 High Definition Oscilloscopes offer powerful mixed signal solutions that combine high definition analog channels with the flexibility of digital inputs. The HDO9000-MS models are equipped with an integrated 16 digital channels and a 1.25 GS/s sampling rate which creates an all-in-one debug machine.
High-speed Digital Analyzer

For applications demanding even higher-performance mixed-signal acquisition capabilities, the HDA125 High-speed Digital Analyzer can be easily added to the HDO9000. With 12.5 GS/s digital sampling rate on 18 input channels and the revolutionary QuickLink probing solution, validation of challenging interfaces such as DDR memory has never been simpler or more comprehensive.
Serial Trigger, Decode, Measure/Graph, and Eye Diagrams

Isolate events using the serial bus trigger and view color-coded protocol information on top of analog or digital waveforms. Timing and bus measurements allow quick and easy characterization of a serial data system. Serial (digital) data can be extracted and graphed to monitor system performance over time. Identify physical layer anomalies with eye diagram mask testing and mask failure locator.

LabNotebook automatically saves all displayed waveforms, oscilloscope setup file, and a screen with a single button press, eliminating the need to navigate multiple menus to save all these files independently. Report files can be annotated and shared with colleagues to fully document all results.
Q-Scape Multi-tab Display Architecture

Unique Q-Scape multitab display architecture speeds your understanding of your design with 4x the display area. Acquired or calculated waveforms can be located on any of four different “tabbed” oscilloscope grid displays, with individually selectable grid styles available for each tab. Quickly move waveforms to different tabs through drag-and-drop.
Jitter and Timing Analysis Option

JITKIT makes it simple and easy to understand the basic system jitter performance of clock signals and clock-data activities, including period, half period, cycle-cycle, skew, amplitude, differential voltage crossing, slew rate, and a wide variety of other common jitter measurements.
XDEV Advanced Customization Option

With the XDEV option, third party programs can be completely integrated into the oscilloscope’s processing stream. Create customized math functions and parameters using C/C++, MATLAB, Excel, JScript or Visual Basic without ever leaving the oscilloscope application - and view the results directly on the oscilloscope, in real-time.